Who is hiking the repeat JMT - 2012

Friday, November 25, 2005

Testing - pictures?

Ok - now I see the control panel - didn't find it with previous test. Here goes.

Seems to work. Let's mess with some fonts....



Color changes

Some colors not so visible

How about this darker red...not bad.

Add to note after published? Let's try....

As you might have guessed - I am playing with the blog editor. I downloaded the plugin for Word, but it won't let you upload pictures, so I probably won't use it. I want to be able to put up a pic or two when I blog. As the aphorism says - a picture is worth a thousand words! I hope this turns out to be a productive and intersting forum.

Maren - I invited some of the other Somers family members - not sure I have e-mail addresses for all of them. If any other Somers join, they can tell you and have you invite them. Hear that Somers family? Maren is running this blog for now so send her your suggestions for invites to other Somers family members. I know I don't have an e-mail address for Marty although I suspect he has half a dozen or more!

OK - I'm signing off - Nan and I are going to the Yellow Moon Cafe in Cobden to listen to Shady Mix play....blog you later.

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