Who is hiking the repeat JMT - 2012

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The World Can't Wait

Nan found this interesting web site. I'm sure some of you will appreciate it. I only wish there were millions of people signing on and writing off the Bush regime. When you read the encapsulated summary of what this idiot has done and will continue to do to the planet it is very sad. So many people have worked so many years to try to encourage the world to reach toward a quality of life for all the world citizens and here comes the idiot who seems to have been given a christian religious mandate to destroy all of the good that has been cultivated in the world. He reminds me of a retarded Sauron from the Lord of the Rings. He's really not intelligent enough to influence the world so critically himself, but his evil cronies, henchmen, and religious zealots are.

Read some of the things on this web site and admit that his crusades against the planet earth will have dire consequences for years if not decades to come.

Why not work toward world peace, reduce overpopulation, and improve quality of life for all citizens instead of war mongering, raping the planet's resources (e.g. ANWR, Iraq), degrading other religious and political ideologies? Because he is of a selfish and self serving mindset that wants to control and rule the planet. They don't care about what the quality of life is. Their religion tells them to produce quantity - "go and fill the earth" - just because a few million have to starve every year doesn't really matter. Its the production that matters. More production, more profit for those that have. Let the 'others' eat cake as has been said before!

When will the people of this country wake up and shout to impeach this fool?

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