Who is hiking the repeat JMT - 2012

Saturday, November 26, 2005

John Muir Trail

Just wanted to post this picture of Nan, Mike and myself at the junction of the John Muir trail in Kings Canyon NP. It was a sentinal event for me as I had been reading about and wanting to hike on the JMT for several years now. One day my plan is to hike the entire trail from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney. If any other Somers are interested, let me know because it will take a couple years of planning and getting ready. The trail is approximately 220 miles and goes through the most spectacular alpine scenery in the world. It shares many miles with the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) which runs from Mexico to Cananda through CA, OR, WA; it is about 2500 miles or so. I don't really have any desire to spend 5 months hiking the PCT, but I think I can do the JMT in three weeks.

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