Friday, December 23, 2005
Welcome Winter!!
I hope everyone had a good 2005. I'm dreaming of hikes in the mountains and canyons yet to come in 2006. Trips planned are rim to rim at the Grand Canyon plus another trip to the Sierras or Wind River Range, WY. If you want to come along, just let me know. Nan and I have enough gear for four now albeit some of it is of the heavier style equipment, but still works well and will get you in good condition!
Now that winter is here I thought I would post a pic to remind us of the warm summer days with good music and good times.
Street musician in Baltimore, MD.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
More pictures from Kings Canyon NP
Jacob - glad to see you on board man! Stay in touch. We want to hear all about your parties, adventures and other pursuits.
Here are a couple more pictures from our trip to the high Sierra in Sept. This was a wonderful hike in the backcounty of King's Canyon NP. My friend Lucy met us in Fresno along with Mike and we all hiked 46 miles with 14000' of elevation change in 5 days. It was physcally demanding, but we all did pretty well.
The first two pictures are a couple river/stream crossing we had to negotiate. Some of these were quite interesting to say the least. None of us fell in, fell off, or were injured thankfully as we were a long way from civilization - 2 day walk minimum!
The next picture is the trail leading to the Rae Lakes and namesake of our trail (Rae Lakes Loop). You can see findome in the background a very popular and often photographed granite dome. Our camp was right across the lake from fin dome - elevation 10,500'.
This was truly an inspiring hike and if you've never been to the high Sierras - it is one place on the planet you should try to visit. It is not difficult to get there and should be on your life list of things to do and places to visit. We're going back next year and hike out of Mineral King - the road to Mineral King is notorious for its switchbacks - some 600 or something crazy like that. It will be interesting!
The next pictue is the crew slogging up the trail from Rae Lakes to Glen Pass at 12000'. It was only 1500' up from Rae Lakes, but had to do that in 1.5 miles - so a bit of a grade there - not to mention the air getting noticeably thin above 9000' feet! Glen Pass is just above the small snow field in the picture!!!
The next picture is Mike sitting on a large granite boulder at the Rae Lakes campsite; just enjoying the view and doing a bit of reading. What a place to contemplate the wonders of the planet and enjoy them while they last!!!
Well - that didn't seem to come out - maybe I've run out of space? If not - I'll upload my favorite pic from the trip - a panoramic shot of Nan, Mike and Lucy on top of Glen Pass at 12000'. The wind was fierce and somewhat frightening. You felt as if it would blow you off the mountain!
Not sure what is going on - pics not wanting to upload - must have exceeded some memory limit. Will try some other you later.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
The World Can't Wait
Nan found this interesting web site. I'm sure some of you will appreciate it. I only wish there were millions of people signing on and writing off the Bush regime. When you read the encapsulated summary of what this idiot has done and will continue to do to the planet it is very sad. So many people have worked so many years to try to encourage the world to reach toward a quality of life for all the world citizens and here comes the idiot who seems to have been given a christian religious mandate to destroy all of the good that has been cultivated in the world. He reminds me of a retarded Sauron from the Lord of the Rings. He's really not intelligent enough to influence the world so critically himself, but his evil cronies, henchmen, and religious zealots are.
Read some of the things on this web site and admit that his crusades against the planet earth will have dire consequences for years if not decades to come.
Why not work toward world peace, reduce overpopulation, and improve quality of life for all citizens instead of war mongering, raping the planet's resources (e.g. ANWR, Iraq), degrading other religious and political ideologies? Because he is of a selfish and self serving mindset that wants to control and rule the planet. They don't care about what the quality of life is. Their religion tells them to produce quantity - "go and fill the earth" - just because a few million have to starve every year doesn't really matter. Its the production that matters. More production, more profit for those that have. Let the 'others' eat cake as has been said before!
When will the people of this country wake up and shout to impeach this fool?
Saturday, November 26, 2005
John Muir Trail
Just wanted to post this picture of Nan, Mike and myself at the junction of the John Muir trail in Kings Canyon NP. It was a sentinal event for me as I had been reading about and wanting to hike on the JMT for several years now. One day my plan is to hike the entire trail from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney. If any other Somers are interested, let me know because it will take a couple years of planning and getting ready. The trail is approximately 220 miles and goes through the most spectacular alpine scenery in the world. It shares many miles with the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) which runs from Mexico to Cananda through CA, OR, WA; it is about 2500 miles or so. I don't really have any desire to spend 5 months hiking the PCT, but I think I can do the JMT in three weeks.
Music we are listening to
The other great musical treatise we have put on repeatedly is the new Santana "All that I am". Is this guy spectacular or what? He is really an inspiration to musical artists. He has to be one of the greatest guitarists of all time. His recent collaborations seem to represent the best of how music performance can be shared as well as with consumers. I never seem to tire of Santana's last three albums. Michelle Branch does another great job on her collaborative song too. I may have to look into purchasing one of her CDs.
What are the rest of you listening too? Maren came home at Thanksgiving and was listening to Pink Floyd! Quality music is timeless - hey?
OK - time to go cut some brush and get the bush hog out one more time before winter really puts an end to this type of work!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Anyway, Dad asked if I was going to invite *ALL* the Somers family to the blog. The only other member I invited was Mike. I pondered over inviting extended family, but I don't have any other Somers email address! So Dad, I made you (and Mom) admin, so you have full capabilities.
Invite away!
If you want help with HTML if you want to change things like the template, just let me know.
Testing - pictures?
Ok - now I see the control panel - didn't find it with previous test. Here goes.
Seems to work. Let's mess with some fonts....
Color changes
Some colors not so visible
How about this darker red...not bad.
Add to note after published? Let's try....
As you might have guessed - I am playing with the blog editor. I downloaded the plugin for Word, but it won't let you upload pictures, so I probably won't use it. I want to be able to put up a pic or two when I blog. As the aphorism says - a picture is worth a thousand words! I hope this turns out to be a productive and intersting forum.
Maren - I invited some of the other Somers family members - not sure I have e-mail addresses for all of them. If any other Somers join, they can tell you and have you invite them. Hear that Somers family? Maren is running this blog for now so send her your suggestions for invites to other Somers family members. I know I don't have an e-mail address for Marty although I suspect he has half a dozen or more!
OK - I'm signing off - Nan and I are going to the Yellow Moon Cafe in Cobden to listen to Shady Mix you later.